One Zip Folder. No Build Tools. All Fun.


Download the sample project zip file

This zip contains all of the code needed to launch a fully functioning site. Inside you'll find a common header and footer file, sample pages like Homepage, About, and Contact, along with the dozens of built in functions like geocoding and encryption.


Add in your project settings

Inside the zip, navigate into the project-files folder. Open the framework-setup.php file and add in information like your site title, site URL, and any third party libraries you need like Google's Recaptcha.


Upload to your web server

Once you've configured the framework-setup file, upload the entire project to your web server. Set the document root of your domain or subdomain to /public and your new website will be working.

Read the Docs

Need Help?

Our team of expert developers can get your site up and running so you can spend more time building the UIs that you love